Planning Board

Ally Morris, P.P.

Ally Morris, P.P.
Planning Board Administrator

The Planning Board receives its powers through the Municipal Land Use Law which allows this Board to hear applications for subdivisions and site plans only. Any subdivision or site plan application heard by this board involves only permitted use of the land in question as defined by the Master Plan. Generally, the Board has no jurisdiction or power to deny an application that fully complies with the zoning ordinance. However, a site or subdivision plan can be denied if it does not fulfill a specific requirement of an ordinance.

The Board application process includes reviews by the Board Planner and Board Engineer. In addition, recommendations are received from the Environmental Commission and Shade Tree Commission. The Board may also request recommendations from the Board of Fire Commissioners, Department of Traffic & Safety, or any other agency deemed necessary.

Latest Updates

Planning Board Public Hearing Agenda - 2/18/25
Planning Board Minutes - 1/7/25
Planning Board Public Hearing Agenda - 2/4/25
*CANCELLED* Planning Board Public Hearing Agenda - 1/21/25
Planning Board Minutes - 12/17/24
Planning Board Public Hearing Agenda - 1/7/25
Planning Board Minutes - 12/3/24
Planning Board Minutes - 11/26/24
Planning Board Public Hearing Agenda - 12/17/24
Planning Board Public Hearing Agenda - 12/3/24
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What is a site plan?
A development plan which shows proposed topography, structures, roads, rights of way boundaries, etc. Site Plan approval by the Planning or Zoning Board is required for all new non-residential and multi-family construction.
What is a minor subdivision?
A subdivision of land that does not involve the creation of more than three new lots, in addition to any one retained parcel, and does not create any new streets.
What is a major subdivision?
Any subdivision of land creating more than 4 lots and/or a new street
What is a variance?
Permission to depart from the literal requirements of a zoning ordinance.
What is zoning?
A set of regulations and requirements that govern use, placement, spacing and size of buildings and lots within a specific area.
What is an ordinance?
A law adopted by a municipal body.
What is a resolution?
An official document, authorized by a Planning Board vote, specifying approval or denial of a development proposal.
What is a waiver?
A relaxation of a development standard.

The Planning Board

212 Fourth Street (Same building as Inspections/Code Enforcement/Zoning Depts)
Lakewood, NJ 08701
732-364-2500 ext 5238
Hours: 8 AM - 4 PM
Note: If this is an OPRA request it must be sent to the Township Clerk